Your investment in MLP supports our entire nonprofit community! When you financially support MLP, you are helping to enhance the quality of hundreds of nonprofit boards in San Antonio with a single gift - including agencies that align with the values of your company and your giving philosophy. MLP makes the best use of your investment by strategically meeting the following challenges:

Strong Engaged Boards

Strong Engaged Boards


Devising the most efficient way to ensure that as many nonprofit agencies as possible have access to knowledgeable, talented, and engaged board candidates.


MLP is a proven training program that develops successful community leaders into effective nonprofit board members by immersing them in a curriculum that prepares them to inspire and lead nonprofit and civic organizations.




Finding skilled board members with a mixture of life experiences, representing a variety of cultural, ethnic and professional backgrounds.


MLP serves as a pipeline to nonprofit agencies in search of a plentiful supply of diverse board candidates. Our 800+ graduates are as diverse as our community and have served in every mission area imaginable.

Prepared to Serve

Prepared to Serve


Fulfilling the #2 Top Unmet Need of "leadership, staff, boards" as identified in a 2017 study commissioned by The Nonprofit Council on the State of the Nonprofit Sector.


The depth and breadth of the MLP curriculum is designed to enhance knowledge and provide context to the challenges facing nonprofit agencies. MLP creates a lifeline for nonprofits to experienced community leaders by building and connecting a network of resources. Download the State of the Sector report infographic.

A Sound Investment

Over the years, MLP graduates have proven their effectiveness and impact by serving on multiple nonprofit boards of directors. Your financial support will help grow this invaluable asset of skilled, committed, and passionate board leaders. Support your city, your organizations, and your community by supporting MLP.