Welcome to MLP 2024-25!

I am thrilled about the new opportunities ahead for MLP to continue its impactful service to the San Antonio community. The past year has been marked by significant development challenges, but it's been inspiring to witness how MLP's Board and committees swiftly adapted and collaborated, turning challenges into opportunities. Together, we made strides toward our strategic goals, fortified the organization, expanded our donor and agency partner network, and welcomed 52 new graduates to MLPAA.

Reflecting on the achievements of MLP’s 964 graduates, it's clear that our mission is more vital than ever. Looking ahead to 2024-25, I am eager to collaborate with the MLP Board, our partners, and our class day hosts to further advance our mission of preparing proven leaders for board service.

Despite the challenges, I am excited about the prospects of serving nonprofit and civic organization boards in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. Your continued commitment and support are not just important, they are integral to our success. I am confident that together, we will achieve even greater milestones for the benefit of San Antonio and the surrounding community.



Michele Hoskins

Executive Director

MLP Staff

The dynamic MLP staff supports program class members, MLP board of directors, and over 900 graduates. Our staff helps equip community leaders with the information and skills necessary to serve our beloved greater San Antonio community by working with donors and sponsors, as well as over 235 local nonprofit and civic partners.

View MLP Staff

MLP Board

Our board members are experienced professionals specially selected for their areas of expertise, their passion for improving our community, and their invaluable contributions to San Antonio and surrounding areas. They collectively oversee and maintain an operating budget of $275,000 derived from corporate sponsorships, foundation grants, tuition payments by participants, and other philanthropic donations from generous individuals.

View MLP Board

MLP Emeritus Council

Conferring the honor of “emeritus board member” is not done casually at MLP. MLP would not be what it is today without the historical influence of these individuals. Their impact in previous years as MLP graduates and board members have contributed to the culture and legacy that is MLP.

View MLP Emeritus Council